Thursday, April 20, 2023

Male and female characteristics

 "a10.   The new transgender law has been so much in the air, that i add this here, even though it does not belong to the traditional Christmas gnlmes. 

"  In principle mind and body are intertwined, so in theory, but propably not in practice, someone could change also one's physical body from female to male or vice versa. Then growing a penis would connect with an almost conyinuous state of mind&of feelings, in which one ponders would one ought to start doing that kind of chores. According to a view I heard from somewhere, the child becomes a boy, if there is some task to which the child is wanted, and a girl if the living conditions are more favorable and there is room for wisdom of life. I guess that a girl thinks  "I would not do such, since I think that my own wisdom of lufe is good, better." and thinks "How can I live in this situation?" 

6th of April 2023 (Easter Thursday)   Changing from woman to man or from man to woman connects with states of mind connected with forming a family : taking care of chores as if a man of the family or group, skilled and responsible, and being with wisdom of lufe thst also cultivates and quarantees good living conditiobs for a child to grow up in. One can learn wisdom of life for example from books and likings. 


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