Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Is Valentine's Day when the midwinter changes to the spring side of the actual winter time?

 I have noticed that some have problems of noticing the difference between unusually warm weather in tge midwinter and the signs of spribg in the air in the spring side of winter or early spring. In the winter small animals doze, waiting for spring. So that time is very different in atmosphere of aliveness compared with the signs of spring in the air. 

Thinking of the word "Valentine" from the poist of view of Finnish language, it brings into mind "vaalit"="elections" or more likely "valita entinen" = "to choose the old one" which one woukd first guess to be choosing one's old spouce, but thinking of it, if it is in the beginning of the quite long period when people start to think of the spring in the air, spring having arrived, it may be a time when the people liking the four seasons and the people used to preferring tropics choose amazingly differently compared with the situation. The tropical people maybe feel uneasy about the changes in the air, kind of too restless, and so maybe choose more evenly tropical type of company than before. Maybe that is a good choice for some, but why is Valentine's Day especially mentioned time of the year? 

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Is Valentine's Day when the midwinter changes to the spring side of the actual winter time?

 I have noticed that some have problems of noticing the difference between unusually warm weather in tge midwinter and the signs of spribg i...