1450 pages of easy nice miracle healing advices https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/miracle-healing-advices.html
You can get position etc also via tgese texts www.TonttuOpisto.info
1450 pages of easy nice miracle healing advices https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/miracle-healing-advices.html
You can get position etc also via tgese texts www.TonttuOpisto.info
Let people around read my texts about learning new skills and talents, young and old, all who are interested in learning fine new talents etc, since these do produce very different results. Read for example :
My latest blog ForCountries.BlogSpot.com
LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com , www.ChristmasInstitute.info
My books as free versions at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com
" I do not so well understand the Eurovision songs. Some later year somebody else's song was called Jezebel. Now I came to wonder did the name seek to say or ask how are people beautiful. So now just a moment ago I tried to compose of that subject: to be somewhat like this song and social with people around, maybe they or quite many would look beautiful: D,E,G(longer),short pause and after it somewhat glidingly A, F, E
29th of July 2024 Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see www.ParatiisiVoittaa.fi which ought to lead to MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com
" C12. 1st of October 2023 Of learning via sexualuty
"a10. The new transgender law has been so much in the air, that i add this here, even though it does not belong to the traditional Christmas gnlmes.
" In principle mind and body are intertwined, so in theory, but propably not in practice, someone could change also one's physical body from female to male or vice versa. Then growing a penis would connect with an almost conyinuous state of mind&of feelings, in which one ponders would one ought to start doing that kind of chores. According to a view I heard from somewhere, the child becomes a boy, if there is some task to which the child is wanted, and a girl if the living conditions are more favorable and there is room for wisdom of life. I guess that a girl thinks "I would not do such, since I think that my own wisdom of lufe is good, better." and thinks "How can I live in this situation?"
6th of April 2023 (Easter Thursday) Changing from woman to man or from man to woman connects with states of mind connected with forming a family : taking care of chores as if a man of the family or group, skilled and responsible, and being with wisdom of lufe thst also cultivates and quarantees good living conditiobs for a child to grow up in. One can learn wisdom of life for example from books and likings.
I have lately found myself eatibg lots of fish. It is after I recommended my book Skills of Christmas gnomes, book 5.: women's position and other texts, see www.amazon.fr search "tervola", and a week passed so that i got mine in post and i guess somebody else theirs. The text is at https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/01/womens-position-like-that-of-others.html , see especially it's last quotations.
See X43. In my text Skills of Christmas gnomes learntalents.blogspot.com
If the pairs you find or prospects that you think of do not suit you but instead cause stomach pain already by thinking of them or you end too much in arguments with them, they are propably of a wrong type and you should consider dates from other countries. There are lits of dating sites in thd knternet, some of continents and some of countries. Typical to them is that they have a certain view of how to associate, how to luve, which values emphasize, etc. Try to find the country or the countrues that suit you well and have a positive effect on your lufe. At the datibg site there also similarly inclined peoole from other countries, so you do not necessarily need to choosd jyst that coubtry even though you will get lits of inflyencies from ut to your lufe.
In my text Skills of Christmas gnomes learntalents.blogspot.com the point E11. which is easy quick school for animals, could be useful to humans too.
In the same long blog text there are lots of advices in learning skills and talents and links to such advices too.
1450 pages of easy nice miracle healing advices https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/miracle-healing-advices.html * You can g...