Sunday, May 19, 2019

If the handsome or beautiful go past you

 Sometimes one feels that one meets only ordinary people and when one then meets someone really fine or interesting that person isn't really interested and is somehow difficultly behaving. The others on the other hand aren't as fascinating, at least not those who get stuck to your company. Can that be a question of social distance and not of whom you meet. Maybe a natural distance on which it is good to live and to show one's most fascinating sides to others, isn't very close or of fair conversation partner, but isntead such that talk goes somewhat missing the hit, the other one continues of another subject, of his/her own life and not stuck to one place. Like that archingly running horse (see the picture) and not like when finding someone gettng stuck to one place like we will sit here for long. Or like a drunken person, who misses some of the talk but who lives one's own life energetically in a very good way. Or like someone who is not planing dating yet now? bonding to this relationship: the human figure stays untouched, undisturbed the life one is living, fascinated by one's own life and by the world. So one is allowed to be with one's own rythm,listening ot one'sown views, neglecting brong point and nasty suggestions, leaving them to less emphazis. Yet in harmony with the world like that archingly running horse and "Live and let otehrs live", carrying responsibility about others too like brings good lig´fe and good world to live in.

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