Monday, May 20, 2019

Build a perfect relationship

Build a perfect relationship: "Live and let others live!"

Obs! This piece of advice applies not only to family, friends and pals but to all human contacts!

Build A Perfect Relationship
How to get along

Let go, live freely, love life and enjoy the company of your partner. (If you are stuck with a strategy that does not work in a situation, you must first let go of it in order to be able to see the situation with new eyes. Take distance and take yourself care of your own needs so that you do not need to throw them upon the other one, this you achieve best by living in a liberating way. Think, experience, feel, which side of your spouce or pal you like, and enjoy the social contact at those parts, otherwise keep a bigger distance so that you get enough room to live like you wish to live.)
Do not put your thoughts and feelings about these things to words, do not make rigid plans. (Human relationships grow like a tree: slowly one situation grows to another one just the way that feels right then. It is a big error to make one's way to see humans structured like the build environment, like often happens when one thinks about social situations. One trick that helps to this is to look at an ordinary healthy tree always when one thinks about social things.)
Just let yourself grow toward light and give the other one the same freedom too. (When you aim directly to your goals in life, there isn't much else that you could wish from life! And it is of course the same for the other one and his/her goals: a sincere harmony is born!)
One who grows toward light is no obstacle to others, it is the dark thoughts that you should let go of, you should let your spouce be what she/he is without manipulating him/her, without putting to words what she/he is like, without making your needs thoughts in your mind. (Just repeating with a slightly different wording so as to make it easier to apply. Often social situations seen with feelings and experienced strongly are easier to react to than intellectualized situations, since feelings touch our instinct nature, they touch how our social relationships naturally work, while thoughts are clumsy in this and too distant.)
Just plant seeds of love, love toward yourself, love toward life, love toward your spouce and love toward others and the world at large. (Just in this order: take care of yourself, answer your own needs, take care that life will be worth living. Only what is left over can you use to caring about others, for example your spouce - but of course the biggest needs of others too have to be met, it is just so that the daily life swings better if both are spirited and happy. Take also care of all the others and of the world at large, since if you don't those outside factors will be an amazingly huge burden upon your life and your relationship.)
In harmony we coexist, such a harmony is in our nature, it grows from us giving room to our real self and to the real selves of all the others, just let them enjoy life without being obstacles to the happiness of others, and you will all find fulfillment in life, a natural harmony that feels like the only obviously right way to live – wide and varied like the human nature... (We are pack animals, so if we do not do anything completely unnatural, we will all fit well together, regardless of how widely different we may be. One just needs to take care that these differencies have enough room, so that each and everyone can oneself answer one's own needs. Just that's why we are all individuals: so that we could all best take care of ourselfves. And we are social in order to get support from others, which makes the group and us strong.)

How to get along
Let go, live freely, love life and enjoy the company of your partner. Do not put your thoughts and feelings about these things to words, do not make rigid plans. Just let yourself grow toward light and give the other one the same freedom too. One who grows toward light is no obstacle to others, it is the dark thoughts that you should let go of, you should let your spouce be what she/he is without manipulating him/her, without putting to words what she/he is like, without making your needs thoughts in your mind. Just plant seeds of love, love toward yourself, love toward life, love toward your spouce and love toward others and the world at large. In harmony we coexist, such a harmony is in our nature, it grows from us giving room to our real self and to the real selves of all the others, just let them enjoy life without being obstacles to the happiness of others, and you will all find fulfillment in life, a natural harmony that feels like the only obviously right way to live – wide and varied like the human nature...

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